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Faithful Mother of 8, Exclusively Pumps for 8 weeks Before First Latch

“I’m the mother of eight wonderful kids!  My life is pretty wild to say the least.  My husband and I decided we wanted to have a baby between the two of us last year. Seeing how we already have his, mine, and theirs. Why not have ours!

It didn’t take long at all for us to get pregnant-less than a month.  Once we found out the joy and excitement all started to set in.  The kids were very excited and couldn’t wait for arrival.  From the beginning I knew I wanted to breastfeed.  My husband and I felt very strongly about it. We knew it was the best thing for the baby. I had trouble with my first child and wasn’t able to. I was too young and did not have anyone to really help or support me. So I gave up. I was very determined to do it with this baby. I read every article I could find to give me tips on things I should do and not do. I was a week overdue so they set me up for the following Monday to be induced.  We arrived around 1:00 that day and at 10:50 pm we welcomed an 8 lb. 4oz beautiful baby girl, Isabelle Shay.  Her cord was wrapped around her neck; she was purple, but she was okay!

My plan once I had her was to put her to my breast within the first hour.  Unfortunately, I had major complications.  As I was pushing the placenta out, my uterus flipped inside out, causing me to hemorrhage. I had to be rushed to the OR. I was given three pints of blood. My husband paced nervously waiting to learn my fate. Dr. Bailey saved my life! I didn’t get to see my baby until 5:00 that morning.  The nurses had to feed her a bottle. And from the articles I read this could cause nipple confusion.  My birthing/after plan didn’t go as I had hoped.  The whole time in the hospital we tried and tried to get her to latch.  She would just scream and cry.  Nothing seemed to work.  I was feeling like a failure once again, to the point I would just and want to give up.  All she wanted was something to eat.  I was using the hospital’s pump, a nipple shield, the breast, and even supplementing with formula.

I had so much help from all the nurses and the lactation consultant, Kathy Bailey (DR. Bailey’s mother).  They all were so patient and wonderful to me, but my biggest supporter was my wonderful husband. He cheered me on. He kept telling me not to give up and to remember this is the best thing for her. He reassured me that I could do this. We can do this!  Finally, we got to take her home. I bought a pump and used it pumping every two-three hours.  I was getting all the colostrum I could until my milk came in. Trying to relax and pump with a house full of kids is not the easiest thing to do.  Finally, after day five, my milk came in!  I would pump and use a nipple shield.  I kept trying to get her to latch. I said to my husband if I couldn’t get her to latch I was only going to continue pumping until she was six months old. I continued to pray and pray asking God for help, to give us strength and patience. He did! After eight long weeks a lot of hard work and faith in Jesus, she finally latched on!

No more washing bottles or pumping all the time. I realized how much easier it was going to be.  The joy on my face and my husbands was priceless! We were so proud of her! We do not use a bottle at all.  I only pump to store in case of an emergency and to use for her cereal.  She is four months old now and we are still going strong.  She is the type of baby that doesn’t like to have her head covered.  So there are times I do not cover myself.  I used to go hide in the car or to another room-not anymore.  It is natural, it’s a gift from God to all mothers! I will embrace it! Our journey has been incredible and the joy I feel is unspeakable!  The bond we share is like no other!  So to you mommies that are having a hard time please don’t give up.  I’m living proof that it will work out!  I pray my story will inspire and encourage any of you that have doubts about breastfeeding.”

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